
We had visitors!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How excited we were last weekend when Joe and Karli came to our island for a visit.  We picked them up at the Labasa Airport on Thursday and got to spend the next three days with them.
us with Joe at the airport

Some things we did were:  they followed us around on Friday as we did our missionary work, we went snorkeling, we hiked to a beautiful waterfall, we went to visit "The Only Survivor" - Joeli Kalougata, went to a missionary farewell on Sunday and then got to enjoy an authentic Lovo.

welcome to Savusavu!

getting ready to go snorkeling

at the waterfall

 Eating coconuts in Nabua

Karli was So happy to eat a coconut -

"The Only Survivor"  Joeli Kalougata
October 2004 Ensign Article

at church on Sunday 

Lovo Food - yummy!

And then, all too soon they had to go home.  We were so sad.  But more happy because they came and spent some time with us.  IT WAS WONDERFUL to have them come all the way to Fiji to rest, relax, and visit us.  

Fiji Suva Mission Challenge part 2

Monday, April 9, 2018

On Sunday we finished the Book of Mormon reading challenge that was given to us by our Mission President.  We read the book in 60 days and marked all the references to Jesus Christ and also His words.  What an AMAZING experience that was!  We ended our reading on Sunday with a mission wide fast. 

My favorite readings were in Jacob 5 - the allegory of the  tame and wild olive trees.  What a great chapter in the Book of Mormon!  My favorite for sure!!

Since we loved reading the Book of Mormon this way, we have decided to start the New Testament and read it in 60 days. 

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