

Friday, February 16, 2018

At Zone Conference last week we were given a challenge by our Mission President, President Higgins.  It's a Book of Mormon challenge.  
We were to start on February 8th and read for 60 days ending on April 8th.  We were also given a book mark that shows everyday where our reading should be.

The part of the challenge I really like is we got a new paperback Book of Mormon and were told to take two different colored marking pencils and mark 2 things:

1)  Mark each reference to Jesus Christ (any of His names or pronouns referring to Him
2)  Mark His words (spoken by Him or by prophets when they say: "Thus saith the Lord"

And then at the end of the challenge (April 8th) we are to have a Mission wide fast about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and to read Moroni 10:3-5

The reason I'm putting this in the blog is because I have been doing this for a few days now and I LOVE IT!  It really changes things, the way you read, comprehension, etc.... when you read with a purpose.

If you feel so inclined, I would encourage all my family and friends to do the same challenge.  It's only 60 days, and then read Moroni 10:3-5 and see if your testimony has been strengthened by reading this book.

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