
Elder Ford's Shoes

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Here is a picture of an innocent looking dog, right?

WRONG!  This dog has been found GUILTY of eating Elder Ford's shoes!

The story goes like this.... As you know, in Fiji when you enter a house, you remove your shoes and leave them on the front porch.  Well, Elder Ford has about four pair of shoes on our porch and one of the pairs were a really nice pair of Keen shoes that he bought specifically for Fiji.  He actually has two pairs of Keens, but he likes one pair better than the other.
So, one day we got up and we noticed that one of his flip flops was out on the driveway.  Hummmm.... We thought this was a little odd...How did the flip flop get onto the driveway?
So, we took the flip flop and put it with the other one.  Story closed, or so we thought!
Next day and we go out to the porch to put our shoes on and we notice there is one of his nice Keen shoes missing.  So, we thought maybe it was on the driveway like the flip flop was.  But no.  We searched and searched.  We even told the full-time missionaries there was a reward for whoever could find the shoe.  No one could find it.  We searched for days looking for the shoe because Elder Ford really liked those the best.
About a week later we notice out of all the shoes on the porch the shoe that was lost had now lost its match.  The shoes that he liked so much were now both gone!  We didn't really know what to think other than it must be a dog that is stealing our shoes.
A few days later, our landlord came by and said he saw a dog leave our house with a shoe in its mouth.  He ran after the dog (he had a machete in his hand while he was relaying this story to me), and got the shoe back.  It was one of his other Keen shoes.  So, I gave the Landlord the reward!!
He pointed out the dog to me so I would know which dog it was.
And the other day, I saw that dog in our yard again - so I ran and got my camera and took a picture of it!

You just got to love the dogs here in Fiji!!

1 comment:

  1. that dog looks so cute! He needed those shoes more then Dad.


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