
Relief Society

Sunday, January 28, 2018

At District Conference after the Relief Society Meeting the women had a BIG tent set up outside and they asked each of the branches to bring their handicrafts - things they had been working on over the last year - to share with everyone.  So we could see what each other has been working on over the year.  These pictures are some of those things - these ladies are SO TALENTED!

I really want to learn some of these handicrafts so I can come home with some things to teach my friends and family back at home.


  1. Yes! Learn how to make that giant rainbow -- I don't know what to call it -- rug? wall hanging? And the other tapa too!

  2. Learn how to make that fan! It looks awesome!!!

  3. Im gonna try to make all these things before I come home :)

  4. Yes the fan! I really like the fan!


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