
The Shoes

Thursday, January 18, 2018

If you remember, a dog took Bobs shoes and we couldn't find them.  Well, here is an update on the shoes -
Yesterday Bob was getting ready to leave the house as he was walking out the door, I noticed that there was only one of his flip flops on the porch -  NOT AGAIN!!

I said:  "Hey, that dog must have taken your flip-flops again."  And just as I was saying those words, I looked across the street and there was that dog sitting there looking at us with the flip-flop in his mouth!!

I wish I had my phone at that moment - because I would have gotten a really great video of  Bob racing across the street and trying to catch that dog who took off for his dear life!  

Across the street is a really beautiful lot and behind the lot is a home, that's where the dog lives.  So, here is Bob chasing that dog down and the dog running for his life.  

By the time I got there, Bob was behind the house and I was on the side of the house when I found in the grass his flip-flop.  As I looked a little further, I noticed a shoe.  It was the shoe that had been taken by that dog.  There was also a rubbish pile and I found the matching pair there.  

What a story!!  What a day!!  At least we found out exactly where the little culprit lives!!

The sad thing is the good pair of shoes are completely ruined!  BAD DOG!!


  1. Maybe I should send you this stuff called "Bitter Yuck" to spray on Bobs shoes. It is made so that dogs will leave things alone, they hate the smell and taste of it. Let me know if you want me to and I will.

  2. I don't think so Rita. We just need to keep our gate shut - we just forget all the time - we are not used to doing that. The dogs are so different here, they are rarely pets...mostly just stray and homeless dogs. It's really sad. So many dogs sleep in the street. They get hit by cars, they have missing legs. People don't really care about dogs here. It breaks my heart when I think about it so I try not to think about it. There's nothing I can do about it - it's the Fijian culture. :(


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