
We had visitors!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How excited we were last weekend when Joe and Karli came to our island for a visit.  We picked them up at the Labasa Airport on Thursday and got to spend the next three days with them.
us with Joe at the airport

Some things we did were:  they followed us around on Friday as we did our missionary work, we went snorkeling, we hiked to a beautiful waterfall, we went to visit "The Only Survivor" - Joeli Kalougata, went to a missionary farewell on Sunday and then got to enjoy an authentic Lovo.

welcome to Savusavu!

getting ready to go snorkeling

at the waterfall

 Eating coconuts in Nabua

Karli was So happy to eat a coconut -

"The Only Survivor"  Joeli Kalougata
October 2004 Ensign Article

at church on Sunday 

Lovo Food - yummy!

And then, all too soon they had to go home.  We were so sad.  But more happy because they came and spent some time with us.  IT WAS WONDERFUL to have them come all the way to Fiji to rest, relax, and visit us.  

1 comment:

  1. Belief is the reason we go on a mission. It is the motive for preaching about Christ and sharing/Proclaiming his love. Faith is understanding we are children of God and our Heavenly Father. May this definition of faith bless you in your life. Faith is defined again and because faith has an inherent joy it gives us a solid foundation that we finally have the peace we have been searching for.

    "Many believer's feed themselves on what God hasn't done. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I create the atmosphere for the spirit of offense to arise and to thrive. When I dwell on what hasn't happened, I legitimize unbelief. I live with a sense of justification, for not believing God.

    Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance. even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance

    Heaven is a place where everyone is celebrated, some are more honored but everyone is celebrated. All men and all women shall be judged on the light which they have received. Heaven is a permissible culture. God's nature is eternally permissible. These statements protect us from credit.

    Faith in the purest sense is the ceasing of resistance, even when there's no physical evidence, when the other evidence is present. Not feeding ourselves on what God hasn't done. Faith in it's purest form is the absence of resistance. Faith doesn't deny a problems existence, it denies it's influence. He or she was someone whom aridity and desolation never disturbed for he or she had a deeply rooted, and a vigorous faith.

    Now we can act as we have always dreamed. Now we can act as we have always been. Now we can step into the light and gather the sunlight instead of blocking out our possibilities. Instead of blocking out our joy. Variety will bloom in/under the sun. We can show off our best, we can enjoy other people's gifts. We can blossom where we stand upon the joy that faith provides us. Upon the joy that faith inherently has, which blossoms the entire field of flowers"

    . - The Definition of Faith


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